Meet 37 years old Alex Kiprotich from Eldoret who makes more than Kes 50,000 daily from Betting. He reveals his secret startegy.

A 37-year-old Kalenjin man from Eldoret has recounted his experience of earning more than Kes 50,000 per day through Betting. Following the loss of his job three years ago, he encountered challenges in generating profits from Betting and encountered financial hardships. However, his luck took a turn when a friend introduced him to the SokaFans prediction platform. During an exclusive interview, he divulged the specifics of his prosperous journey. " I'm Alex Kiprotich, 37 years old, who used to be employed by a security company until I lost my job three years ago. Facing financial difficulties without any other source of income, I turned to Betting as a means to support my family. Unfortunately, I experienced significant losses, which made life even more challenging, and I struggled to meet my financial obligations. However, my circumstances took a positive turn when a fellow gambler, who happened to be my friend, introduced me to an exceptional prediction platform called So...