This 33 year old Luo man from Nairobi turned Kes 1000 investment into Kes 5 Million in 6 Months through Betting. This is what he did

A Nairobi Luo man by the name Jacob Oloo has narrated how he managed to turn Kes 1000 into Kes 5 Million in just 6 months through betting. The further of two kids who worked as an insurance sales man say he started betting after one of his friends won a lot of money. Anyway this did not turn out as expected hence he ended up making so much loses which made him depressed. Then one day while browsing on Facebook he came across an advert for this amazing prediction platform called SokaFans and his life has never been the same again. We meet with him as he narrates to us about his success journey. "My name is Jacob Oloo and am 33 years old and am a father of two kids. I used to work as an insurance salesman where the pay was very little and had difficulty paying for my bills which made me very depressed. I started Betting after one of my friends won a lot of money but it was not the case for me since i ended up losing so much money. Then one day while browsing on Facebook i ca...